April 13, 2011

How to successfully Mount the Epic 4G

It seems that the Epic 4G refuses to work with auxiliary USB ports, possibly cause it's not getting enough power. So make sure to have the Epic 4G USB drivers.
http://org.downloadcenter.samsung.com/downloadfile/ContentsFile.aspx?CDSite=US&CttFileID=3185503&CDCt tType=SW&ModelType=C&ModelName=SPH-D700ZKASPR&VPath=SW/201009/20100901010102890/Samsung_Mobile_Driver_V1.3.800_For_SPH-d700_Epic_4G.zip

Then make sure you plug in the USB cable to a main USB port, not an auxiliary one (depending on your computer, most likely in the rear of the case).

source : http://androidforums.com/epic-4g-tips-tricks/193272-how-successfully-mount-epic-4g.html 

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