August 11, 2012

How To: Jailbreak iPhone 4S 5.0.1 using Absinthe

How To: Jailbreak iPhone 4S 5.0.1 using Absinthe

It's here folks! After months of anxiously waiting for the A5 jailbreak, it's finally here! You can now jailbreak your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 using the DreamTeam's Absinthe program.

Here is our full step-by-step installation guide. Get to jailbreaking!

How To: Jailbreak iPhone 4S or iPad 2 using Absinthe


The Absinthe Untethered Jailbreak will support the following devices :
iPhone 4S running iOS 5.0, 5.0.1 (9A405 and 9A406)
iPad 2 Wifi/GSM/CDMA running iOS 5.0.1

Step 1: Download Absinthe from here (Mac) or here (Windows), extract it, than run it.

Step 2: Connect your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 to your computer via USB.

Step 3: Click "Jailbreak" to run the program. The process takes awhile in the beginning so don't worry! It will eventually say "Restoring in Progress," leave the device alone until it's completely finished.


Step 4: Once it's done, you should see the Absinthe icon on the Home screen. Tap the icon and it will then take you to the Greenpois0n site and reboot your idevice. After it loads back up, the Cydia icon will have replaced the Absinthe icon.

UPDATE: We didn't have any issues jailbreaking, but for those experiencing an "error establishing a database connection," you can find a fix here.

And that's all folks! You can than head over to Cydia and download all your favorite tweaks and apps! Make sure to look around the forums to see how other users are modding and tweaking their idevices! Also, you can check out our Theme Browser and App Reviews page to see what's hot in Cydia right now. Let us know how it goes!

2 komentar:

Unknown said...

It's here folks! After months of anxiously waiting for the A5 jailbreak, it's finally here! You can now jailbreak your iPhone 4S or iPad 2 using the DreamTeam's Absinthe program.Additional Info

App Developers said...

Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.

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